View our full range of used printing machines.

View our range of graphic and finishing machinery including: guillotines and folding machines.

Contact AMS for a tailor-made Machine Search service. We can source a machine specific to your requirements.

Our dedicated team of print machinery specialists are here to help you, the printer every step of the way, taking the stress out of buying used printing equipment by offering you tailor-made solutions for your business, essential in today’s exciting print market.
After training and qualifying as a Mechanical Technician at Heidelberg London, Michael Stevenson founded the company in 1991. Over the years AMS Graphic Machinery has steadily grown from a small print engineering business to the successful used print machinery dealership it is today.
The AMS team has continued to build, offering a wealth of experience by providing a one-stop solution right through from selling a stock press or sourcing a specific requirement to delivery, installation, warranty and maintenance.
Our qualified technicians are fully experienced in refurbishment, maintenance, service work, site moves and relocations and of course the delivery and installation of your next acquisition.
AMS Graphic Machinery is based in Redhill, Surrey , conveniently situated close to Junction 8 of the M25 and London Gatwick and Heathrow airports.
Contact Details
11 Trowers Way
Holmethorpe Industrial Estate
Surrey RH1 2LH
Tel: +44 (0)1737 774186
Fax: +44 (0)1737 501085
View our range of graphic and finishing machinery including: guillotines and folding machines.

Contact AMS for a tailor-made Machine Search service. We can source a machine specific to your requirements.

Our dedicated team of print machinery specialists are here to help you, the printer every step of the way, taking the stress out of buying used printing equipment by offering you tailor-made solutions for your business, essential in today’s exciting print market.
After training and qualifying as a Mechanical Technician at Heidelberg London, Michael Stevenson founded the company in 1991. Over the years AMS Graphic Machinery has steadily grown from a small print engineering business to the successful used print machinery dealership it is today.
The AMS team has continued to build, offering a wealth of experience by providing a one-stop solution right through from selling a stock press or sourcing a specific requirement to delivery, installation, warranty and maintenance.
Our qualified technicians are fully experienced in refurbishment, maintenance, service work, site moves and relocations and of course the delivery and installation of your next acquisition.
AMS Graphic Machinery is based in Redhill, Surrey , conveniently situated close to Junction 8 of the M25 and London Gatwick and Heathrow airports.
View our range of graphic and finishing machinery including: guillotines and folding machines.

Contact AMS for a tailor-made Machine Search service. We can source a machine specific to your requirements.

Our dedicated team of print machinery specialists are here to help you, the printer every step of the way, taking the stress out of buying used printing equipment by offering you tailor-made solutions for your business, essential in today’s exciting print market.
After training and qualifying as a Mechanical Technician at Heidelberg London, Michael Stevenson founded the company in 1991. Over the years AMS Graphic Machinery has steadily grown from a small print engineering business to the successful used print machinery dealership it is today.
The AMS team has continued to build, offering a wealth of experience by providing a one-stop solution right through from selling a stock press or sourcing a specific requirement to delivery, installation, warranty and maintenance.
Our qualified technicians are fully experienced in refurbishment, maintenance, service work, site moves and relocations and of course the delivery and installation of your next acquisition.
AMS Graphic Machinery is based in Redhill, Surrey , conveniently situated close to Junction 8 of the M25 and London Gatwick and Heathrow airports.